
Meetings of the Consortium

1) Kick-Off meeting on Februarythe 14th2019 at Montpellier(agenda and minutes to be downloaded from the intranet)


2) Visio conference on Thursday the 9th May 2019
(minutes to be downloaded from the intranet)

3) 6th month meeting 11-12 July 2019 at Montpellier
(agenda and minutes to be downloaded from the intranet)


4) Visio conference on Thursday the 14th November 2019(minutes to be downloaded from the intranet)

5) First year meeting on March 5th & 6th  2020  ( minutes to be downloaded from the internet)

6) Visio conference on June the 4th 2020  (minutes to be downloaded from the internet)

7) Visio conference on July the 7th 2020  (minutes to be downloaded from the internet)

8) Visio conference on October 1st 2020  (minutes to be downloaded from the intranet)

9) Mid-term meeting (visio) on November the 16th 2020( minutes to be downloaded on the intranet)

10) Visio conference on May the 4th 2021  (minutes to be downloaded from the intranet)

11) Meeting (face to face) in Montpellier on July the 1st 2021 (minutes to be downloaded from the intranet)

Colloqium, Seminars, ….

Special Events…