John Palmeri

John  is Senior Scientist at CNRS. He uses the theoretical methods of Statistical Physics to study problems at the intersection of Biophysics and Soft Matter: DNA under force, Physical Genomics: DNA segregation in bacteria, Gene expression (transcription and translation), Protein intra-cellular phase transitions; Nanofluidics and Nanofiltration: Ion and molecular transport in ion channels and nanopores.


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John, in collaboration with Manoel (Partner from the university of Toulouse 3) develop theoretical modelling of ion and molecular transport in carbon nanotubes.

A few significant publications

  • Ionic transport through sub-10 nm diameter hydrophobic high-aspect ratio nanopores: experiment, theory and simulation,Sébastien Balme, Fabien Picaud, Manoel Manghi, J. Palmeri, Mikhael Bechelany, Simon Cabello-Aguilar, Adib Abou Chaaya, Philippe Miele, Emmanuel Balanzat, Jean-Marc Janot Nature Scientific Reports5, 10135   (2015)
  • A variational approach to the liquid-vapor phase transition for hardcore ionsin the bulk and in nanopores,  Bastien Loubet, Manoel Manghi, J. PalmeriJournal of Chemical Physics, 145, 044107 (2016)
  • Surfing on protein waves: proteophoresis as a mechanism for bacterial genome partitioning, Walter J.-C., Dorignac J., Lorman V., Rech J., Bouet J.-Y., Nollmann M., Palmeri J., Parmeggiani A., Geniet F.Physical Review Letters119, 028101 (2017)
  • Voltage-activated transport of ions through single-walled carbon nanotubes,Yazda K., Tahir S., Michel T., Loubet Bastien, MANGHI Manoel, Bentin Jeremy, Picaud Fabien, Palmeri J., Henn F., Jourdain V.Nanoscale9, 11976-11986 (2017)
  • Role of charge regulation and flow slip in the ionic conductance of nanopores: An analytical approach,Manghi M., Palmeri J., Yazda K., Henn F., Jourdain V.Physical Review E98, 012605 (2018)