Fabien Picaud

Fabien is currently the co-director of the Laboratoire de Nanomédecine, Imagerie et Thérapeutiques, at the University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté. My research is devoted to Computing in Natural Science, Engineering and Medicine, Distributed Computing and Molecular Physics. My main topic concerns the role of the confinement on the stability of different molecular species inside nanostructures.


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Fabien studies by numerical « all-atoms » simulations based on classical molecular dynamics and DFT models, the behaviour of the different electrolytes confined in carbon nanotubes; he is particularly interested in the influence of the spatial distribution of electrical charges present on the surface and the acido-base functional groups grafted to the opening of the nanotubes.

A few significant publications

  • A. Mejri, et al.,  Nanomaterials (2021), 11, 306
  • S Balme, et al. Faraday discussions 210, 69-85 (2018)
  • M Weber, et al., ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (19), 16669-16678 (2017)
  • K Yazda, et al., Nanoscale 9 (33), 11976-11986 (2017)
  • F Picaud, et al., Soft matter 12 (22), 4903-4911 (2016)
  • F Picaud, et al., Computational Materials Science 111, 380-386 (2016)