Sébastien Méance

Sébastien Méance

Sébastien Méance defended his PhD in September 2011 at the Paris-Sud University on the development of innovative electrochemiluminescence optical sources integrated in microfluidic devices. He carried on his research activity in the field of micro and nanotechnologies for biological applications: metastatic cells trap, organ-on-a-chip, DNA and peptides separation, antimicrobial resistance. As postdoctoral fellow he worked in several laboratories in France and United States: C2N, LAAS-CNRS, University of Illinois at Chicago, and University of Montpellier. In a pluridisciplinary context, he contributed to numerous academic research and commercialization projects.

From September 22, Sebastien will join the corps of electronic engineers for aviation safety systems (IESSA) of  the french civil aviation general direction (DGAC).



Sébastien was a post-doc researcher in our team from February to July 22. His task was to developped low noise nanofluidic devices that integrate a single carbon nanotube.

Dernières publications

B. Charlot, J.-M. Ramirez, S. Meance, X. Garric, C. Pinese, et I. Guiraud, « Puce microfluidique pour attirer et détruire un élément biologique spécifique », FR3093645 (A1), 18 septembre 2020 Consulté le: 4 janvier 2021. to be uploaded at: https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?FT=D&date=20200918&DB=&locale=fr_EP&CC=FR&NR=3093645A1&KC=A1&ND=1

A.-M. Haghiri-Gosnet, A. Pallandre, J. Gamby, D. Rose, et S. Meance, « Microfluidic Analysis Device and Method », WO2016034696 (A1), 10 mars 2016 Consulté le: 28 mars 2016. to be uploaded at: http://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?FT=D&date=20160310&DB=&locale=fr_EP&CC=WO&NR=2016034696A1&KC=A1&ND=1

M. Fenech, V. Girod, V. Claveria, S. Meance, M. Abkarian, et B. Charlot, « Microfluidic blood vasculature replicas using backside lithography »,Lab.Chip, vol. 19, no12, p. 2096‑2106, June 2019, doi: 10.1039/C9LC00254E.

S. Méance, J. Gamby, M. Faure, Q. Kou, et A.-M. Haghiri-Gosnet, « Electrochemiluminescence on-a-chip: Towards a hand-held electrically powered optofluidic source »,Talanta, vol. 129, p. 150‑154, nov. 2014, doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2014.05.026.

S. Méance, K. Papin, J. Gamby, G. Aubry, Q. Kou, et A.-M. Haghiri-Gosnet, « An integrated on chip organic optical source based on electrochemiluminescence »,Microelectron.Eng., vol. 88, no8, p. 1798‑1800, August 2011, doi: 10.1016/j.mee.2010.12.083.